I did Morning Pages for a week and this is what happened

Journaling, Morning pages, Gratitude list

I did morning pages for a week and this is what happened

I have heard about Journaling from many successful friends.

I first tried the Gratitude list two years ago.

A gratitude list is writing 3, 5 or more things, you are grateful for every day.

Depending on your preference some people do it first thing in the morning or last thing before going to bed.

I did it before going to bed.

It really shifted my perspective on everything awesome I already have.

Our society makes us always compare to others and crave more. From the new gadget, our neighbour got, to parents comparing our grades to our classmates.

The beginning of my Gratitude list felt weird because it’s hard to rewire your brain from the old programming.

I wrote down

”I am grateful for the fresh air”

”I am grateful for my healthy body”

(Damn it, I can’t think of anything).

So damn hard. Until on the third and fourth day, the things I was grateful for, were plenty.

Back, when I started, I was having a terrible wisdom tooth pain. Did I go immediately to remove the tooth and forget about the pain? Of course, not.

I waited for the pain to magically disappear.

The tooth was touching a nerve and the pain was unbearable. I had to work despite the pain and one bright day, I woke up feeling NO PAIN! Such a relief.

Guess, what I wrote down in my Gratitude list the same evening.

“I am grateful that my pain is gone.”

It might sound corny. I don’t know. I don’t care.

The Gratitude list made me cultivate appreciation to smaller things, but I didn’t really stick to it.

Let’s go back to what you are here for.

Journaling. Morning Pages.

I did morning pages for a week and this is what happened

I thought it’s stupid. I really thought so.

It reminded me of the diaries every girl used to have. I didn’t see the whole point of it.

My brain found all the excuses available :

“I don’t have time for it”

“It’s a waste of paper”

“I can’t carry a diary with me”

“It’s only for kids”

“I don’t need that”

”I have more important things going on”

The real truth: I didn’t want it enough to stick to it.

What is changed now, you would ask?

I saw so many signs online for Morning Pages. Articles, successful entrepreneurs mentioning them on podcasts, IG stories.

I decided to try it out and see what is all about.

Morning pages are created by Julia Cameron and it’s basically 3 handwritten pages of your thoughts, first thing in the morning.

There is no wrong way to do them.
They are for you.

Not to be shared, commented or discussed.

( the Book from Julia Cameron with Morning Pages)

It doesn’t matter what you write, only matter that you show up and do them every day.

I did morning pages for a week and this is what happened

It’s mindful practise which provokes, clarifies and synchronises the day at hand.

Morning pages as a form of therapy.

In therapy many times, you talk with the psychologist and even if they didn’t say much, you instantly feel better.

Why is that?

Because you just shared all the negative self-talk, poisonous doubts and insecurities. Your mind is at ease, as they slowly leave your head.

The shared problem is half problem.

What I love about doing Morning Pages

They reminded me that this inner monologue going in my head IS NOT ME.

All the fears are created by overthinking and over-analyzing. By creating the stories in my head.

Forming a habit

Sometimes my Morning Pages are questions to myself, sometimes statements and just whatever came to my mind at this moment.

The days with healthy habits form months of productivity and overall stable mental health.

Like working out and meditation are small efforts you put in today, shape your future.

Morning Pages points out the areas of our life that need compassion, nurture or attention.

Benefits of Morning Pages:
– figure things out
– less anxiety
– creativity
– clear mind

What is the whole point?

To experiment with different routines. To integrate new concepts into the story, we tell ourselves. To evolve in a better version of ourselves.

You only stay the same if you choose to!
I’d ask you to trust me on this, but I’d rather you decide for yourself.

Other techniques might work for other people.

Good luck to them.

This works for me.