How to limit screen time and easy ways to supercharge this summer

nature healing

How to limit screen time and easy ways to supercharge this summer

In the era of the new normal, our whole lives are being connected to digital devices. Zoom work meetings and virtual social gathering took over our in-person interaction.  What it would it feel like to have freedom from technology? How to limit screen time and gain control?

If you are anything like me, you understand the importance of tech breaks and limiting screen-time. 

Here are 5 easy things you can implement today to unplug, and supercharge yourself this summer:


 1. Prioritize nature

”I go to nature to be soothed and healed and to have my senses put in order”

– John Burrough


There is no better remedy than nature. Period. I am not suggesting to go and hug trees. But you will agree with their me on their slower, deeper vibration. There is a strong correlation between being in nature and creativity.

Being in nature can be going for a walk without your phone, a road trip or a hike in the mountains.

If you go for a hike, many places don’t have strong cell service. So, voila! You are tech-free.

  2. Noise-cancelling.


Summer is a great time to move our workouts outside in nature.
And while listening to music or a podcast may seem tempting, I challenge you to leave your mobile device at home and dedicate 1 hour for you.

I do that while I run and interestingly enough, is that I  switch the focus to my breath and the surrounding sounds.

 3. Put “white space” in your schedule.

How to limit screen time and easy ways to supercharge this summer

White space can be defined as taking a few breaths and letting go of the planning and just allowing the moment to guide you.

Having a “White Space” allows you to be more spontaneous. Sometimes while planning every second you might miss out on a very “random” opportunity presenting itself.

 4. The importance of Rest days

Planning our days is great. Until it becomes overwhelming.

The whole culture of busy is getting more and more popular until you hit a wall. And you don’t even know where it came from.

Even the greatest athletes know the importance of scheduling rest days. When no planning is needed. The only requirements are: you need to be fully present and do the things you enjoy, without tying them to an end goal.

The days where your agenda will be sleeping until noon or reading a new novel.  If you are on the link for a new easy-going novel, I just finished this one

 5. Give meditation a shot

How to limit screen time and easy ways to supercharge this summer

Even 3 minutes standing still, focusing on your breath and just letting your emotion go through you can help create clarity and centre yourself.
If I could do this, you can too.

If you feel ready and want more actionable tips on how to create a safe relationship with your phone, you can read it HERE:
What happens when you break up with your phone. 

Prioritizing emotional and mental health are reconnecting with ourselves should be on everyone’s top list, not only for this summer but in general.

Which of those 5 things you might give a try this summer?  Share it with me!