How to free yourself from toxic people?

how to free yourself from toxic people

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time”

Maya Angelou


Breaking up with a “toxic friend” can be very hard.

Have you experienced heartburn just thinking about seeing a friend or replying to them? Your body is giving you signals. But are we listening to it? If you are feeling like this, then chances are, you are in a toxic friendship.

A toxic friendship can make you doubt yourself, drain you emotionally and stop you from living your best life.

After my trip to Bali (READ HERE) and a recent trip to London, I start appreciating the real people around me.

Life always tests us

How to free yourself from toxic people?
Me explaining to toxic people why I can’t hang out with them

Sometimes, people come into our lives to teach us how to love; and sometimes people come into our lives to teach us how NOT TO LOVE. How not to settle, how NOT to shrink ever again.


Stay away from people/friends/family members:

  • those who spread negativity
  • who criticize you all the time
  • those who aren’t respectful of your time
  • those who depend on you for everything
  • those who keep disappointing you
  • those who play the victim

There are some questions, we can ask ourselves to identify a toxic friend:

(PS: pick 2 or 3 and use them daily)

  1. Do I trust this person?
  2. Do they respect what I ask for?
  3. Can I share with them?
  4. What is the core of this friendship?
  5. Is it an equal friendship?
  6. How do I feel about myself when I am with them?
  7. Do they encourage me or belittle me?
  8. Do I feel emotionally drained after spending time with them?
How to free yourself from toxic people?

Note to me as well: Be very mindful for the people, you let in your life. No excuses, no fake reasons. We are responsible for putting our boundaries and staying true to our values. Using our voice to communicate is self-love. You will have better taste in people when you start loving yourself.

I can assure you, One of the best feelings is finally losing your attachment to somebody who is just not good for you.

Would love if you share with me, any tactics or tips on cutting ties with toxic people.